Size Framed: 64cm Wide | 43cm High | 3cm Deep

Artist: Debra Gallo

Debra Gallo

Monument Valley Sunset

$350.00 USD

Monument Valley Sunset` is a stunning photograph that captures the breathtaking beauty of Monument Valley at sunset. The image transports the viewer to a remote and majestic landscape, showcasing the iconic sandstone buttes and mesas that define this unique region of the American Southwest. The warm hues of the setting sun paint the sky in a vibrant spectrum of oranges, pinks, and purples, creating a dramatic and mesmerizing backdrop for the rugged desert landscape. The deep reds and oranges of the sandstone formations stand in stark contrast to the soft pastel colors of the sky, creating a visually striking scene that is both serene and awe-inspiring. The play of light and shadow in the image adds depth and dimension to the landscape, highlighting the textures and contours of the rocks and creating a sense of three-dimensionality. The composition of the photograph is carefully balanced, with the towering buttes serving as the focal point against the expansive sky, creating a sense of grandeur and vastness. As the viewer gazes upon this image, they are transported to a place of immense natural beauty and tranquility. The artist`s intention in capturing this scene was to evoke a sense of wonder and admiration for the rugged yet ethereal landscape of Monument Valley, and to showcase the breathtaking beauty of the desert at sunset. `Monument Valley Sunset` serves as a visual reminder of the ever-changing and awe-inspiring power of nature, inviting the viewer to pause and appreciate the majesty of the world around us.

AI Valuation

The price range for the artwork `Monument Valley Sunset` by Debra Gallo, a 16cm x 24cm photograph on paper, would be between $400.00. Debra Gallo is a highly reputable and recognized artist in the field of Fine Art and Nature Photography, with a strong background in photography, art, art history, and theatre design. Her work has been displayed in galleries and shows, and she has garnered acclaim from collectors and admirers for her unique vision and artistic talent. The artwork is in excellent condition, newly printed and framed, ensuring its authenticity and quality. `Monument Valley Sunset` captures the breathtaking beauty of Monument Valley at sunset, showcasing the iconic sandstone buttes and mesas of the American Southwest. The vibrant colors of the setting sun create a dramatic backdrop for the rugged desert landscape, evoking a sense of wonder and awe in the viewer. The composition of the photograph is carefully balanced, with the towering buttes serving as the focal point against the expansive sky, creating a sense of grandeur and vastness. The play of light and shadow adds depth and dimension to the landscape, highlighting the textures and contours of the rocks. The image transports the viewer to a place of immense natural beauty and tranquility, inviting them to pause and appreciate the majesty of the world around us. Considering the artist`s reputation, the artwork`s condition and authenticity, and the stunning beauty and emotional impact of the image, a price range of $400.00 would be reasonable for `Monument Valley Sunset.` This price reflects the quality and value of the artwork, as well as the skill and talent of the artist behind it. Art enthusiasts and collectors who appreciate fine art photography and the beauty of the natural world would find this piece to be a valuable addition to their collection.

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Product : Monument Valley Sunset