Size Framed: 100cm Wide | 120cm High | 5cm Deep

Artist: Mauricio Aybar Andrea Castiglione

Mauricio Aybar Andrea Castiglione

Weeping Woman

$5,000.00 AUD

In Picasso`s `Weeping Woman` stained glass mosaic, the artist captures the raw intensity of human emotion through a fractured and disjointed composition. The distorted and fragmented face of the weeping woman conveys a sense of deep sorrow and inner turmoil, with exaggerated features that emphasize the weight of her grief. The sharp, angular shapes that make up her face break traditional perspectives and create a sense of disarray, reflecting the chaos of emotional pain. The use of colour in the mosaic further intensifies the emotional impact of the artwork. The bold yellows and reds highlight the woman`s distress, while the darker greens and blacks add a sombre and heavy tone to the piece. The contrast between these colours evokes a sense of inner conflict and turmoil, as the woman grapples with her intense emotions. Through the medium of stained glass, the artwork takes on a luminous and ethereal quality, as the light passing through the coloured glass pieces enhances the emotional depth of the piece. The interplay between the translucent and opaque glass creates a dynamic visual experience that changes with the shifting light, inviting the viewer to connect with the artwork on a visceral and emotional level. Overall, Picasso`s `Weeping Woman` mosaic serves as a powerful representation of human pain and suffering, capturing the complex and multifaceted nature of grief through a fractured and abstract composition. The artwork invites viewers to confront their own emotions and experiences, resonating with the universal theme of emotional struggle and resilience.

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