Size Unframed: 22 61cm Wide | 51cm High | 3cm Deep
The Birch Beauties
$495.00 USD Add to cart -
Size Unframed: 22 51cm Wide | 61cm High | 3cm Deep
Life Partners
$525.00 USD Add to cart -
Size Unframed: 22 183cm Wide | 61cm High | 5cm Deep
Jungle Paradise
$800.00 USD Add to cart -
Size Unframed: 22 46cm Wide | 61cm High | 3cm Deep
Still Life with Sketch Book
$500.00 USD Add to cart -
Size Framed: 56cm Wide | 71cm High | 3cm Deep
The Woman in White
$500.00 USD Add to cart -
Size Framed: 46cm Wide | 61cm High | 3cm Deep
Mermaid Symphony
$500.00 USD Add to cart
Size Unframed: 76cm Wide | 56cm High | 3cm Deep
Artist: Jill Warber
Jill Warber
Eye of Tiger
`Eye of Tiger` is a captivating piece of art that draws the viewer into the intense gaze of a tiger. The eye itself is the focal point of the painting, with intricate details that capture the ferocity and power of this majestic animal. The warm browns and golds of the iris create a sense of depth and intensity, while the dark, defined pupil adds a touch of mystery. Surrounding the eye are bold, stylized markings resembling the tiger`s fur. These black and white stripes stand out against the reddish-brown background, adding to the overall sense of strength and wildness. The white areas of the fur appear textured, adding to the realism of the piece. The choice of colors is significant, with the reddish-brown background symbolizing the tiger`s coat and adding a sense of warmth to the painting. The varied brushstrokes used to create the fur texture contribute to the overall dynamism of the piece, giving it a sense of movement and life. The composition of the painting is intimate and close-up, allowing the viewer to feel as though they are face to face with the fierce tiger. The artist`s expressive brushstrokes add a sense of energy to the piece, capturing the raw power and beauty of this iconic animal. Overall, `Eye of Tiger` is a striking and evocative painting that showcases the intricate beauty of nature and the untamed spirit of the tiger. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of wildlife conservation and the need to protect these magnificent creatures for future generations to admire and appreciate.