About Free Returns

About Free Returns

VooGlue offers free returns shipping for change of mind returns on eligible items. Look for the “Free Returns” messaging on the detail page of an item to confirm if it is eligible for free returns.

Which items are eligible for ‘Free Returns’?

Free Returns only applies to eligible item(s) fulfilled by VooGlue. Eligible items will have “Free Return” messaging in the Product Details area on the product page.

If you need to return an item that was bought from a Seller on VooGlue you’ll need to return it directly to the Seller, please see About Marketplace Returns and Refunds.

All items returned for change of mind must comply with the terms specified in About Our Returns Policies and be shipped to us within the relevant return window.

Which items are not eligible?

Item(s) fulfilled by other sellers or items that do not have the ‘free returns’ messaging on the product detail page.

No minimum purchase is required to receive Free Returns shipping on your eligible item(s).

What costs do we refund?

To ship Free Returns items to us, if a prepaid return option is not available for your item(s), please use the lowest cost trackable shipping method. When we’ve received your item, we will refund your reasonable and substantiated return shipping costs up to $17. If you need to incur more than $17 to return the item please contact us.

No return shipping costs will be refunded for returns where a prepaid return option is used.

If your return includes a combination of items that are ineligible for free returns with items that are eligible for free returns, we may deduct the shipping costs associated with the ineligible items(s) from your refund amount.

We do not refund the original fees you paid for your order to be shipped. In addition, some special item, order, or handling fees may still apply.

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