About Marketplace Returns

About Marketplace Returns & Refunds

If you need to return an item that was sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller, also called Vendors, on the VooGlue Marketplace, you’ll need to return it directly to the seller.

Viewing a third-party seller’s return policy before you place your order

Whilst sellers are expected to offer a returns policy equivalent to VooGlue’s, seller returns policies may vary. To learn more about a seller’s returns policy, when you’re on a page listing different sellers who are offering a particular item for sale, you can click on a seller’s name to be taken to a Seller Profile Page about that seller. You can find delivery and sometimes return postage rates, help, and customer feedback relating to that seller on this page, or on the individual product pages. On the product page you will see a side link heading “Shipping” which will open the Vendor’s Shipping and Returns policies.

If your return experience doesn’t match the return policy published by the seller you can request a refund under 123 Guarantee and our team will determine if you are eligible for a refund.

Any seller return policy applies in addition to, and does not limit, other rights and remedies you may have under law including under the Australian Consumer Law.

Viewing a third-party seller’s return policy after you place your order

If you’ve already placed an order for an item sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller, you can view the seller’s return policy by visiting order page and clicking the item link.

How to return items to a third-party seller

To initiate a return of an item purchased from a third-party seller, please visit your account page, orders and press “Warranty Return” The seller will review your request and once they respond, you’ll be notified by e-mail.

For approved requests, you’ll receive instructions from the seller. Some sellers have special processes and might send you an e-mail with their return address and mailing instructions. You’ll be able to view the seller’s responses to your request in your account page.

Sellers typically respond to return authorisation requests within 2 business days. If you don’t receive a response within 2 business days and your seller has not indicated a reasonable alternative timeframe for response, you may be eligible to request a refund under the VooGlue AU 123 Guarantee.

Sellers must either provide a return address within Australia, provide a pre-paid return label, or offer a full refund without requesting the item be returned. If a seller does not offer these methods to return your items, you may request a refund under 123 Guarantee.

To ensure the safe return of the merchandise, please package your item with care. Items valued over $35 should be returned to the seller using the lowest cost trackable, signed-for, delivery service. If the order is valued at $100 or more, we recommend you insure your return for the value of the product and use a signature required delivery service.

VooGlue strives to maintain a Marketplace that’s fair to both buyers and sellers. Packaging returns with care reduces the chances of damage in transit and can assist with the processing of the return by the seller. Sending the return via a trackable delivery method protects you in the event a seller doesn’t receive an item. If a package doesn’t arrive, we can implement a 123 Guarantee refund request. If you don’t use a trackable method to return your item and the seller doesn’t provide a refund to you, we may not be able to cover you under the 123 Guarantee.

Note : Simply refusing delivery of a package isn’t always a trackable means of return and may not be covered under a seller’s return policy or the 123 Guarantee. You should accept delivery of an item you want to return and request a return as above.

Managing your return requests

To manage your return requests visit your My Account page and click the Manage returns button.

From here, you can:

·         view the status of a return request.

·         cancel a return request.

·         request a refund under the 123 Guarantee.

Please note that certain items aren’t accepted. If you have a problem with an item that is non-returnable, please contact the seller to discuss your options.

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