Size Unframed: 91cm Wide | 91cm High | 3cm Deep

Artist: Nerine Strachan

Nerine Strachan

Bali Jungle


Bali Jungle is a captivating artwork that transports the viewer to a lush and vibrant jungle in Bali. The artist has masterfully captured the essence of the tropical landscape, with rich green foliage, vibrant flowers, and the occasional glimpse of a bird or butterfly flitting through the leaves. The use of color in this painting is truly striking. The deep greens of the jungle canopy create a sense of depth and mystery, while pops of bright pink and blue add a touch of whimsy and playfulness. The artist`s choice of acrylic as a medium allows for bold and expressive brushstrokes, giving the painting a sense of movement and life. The composition of the painting is carefully thought out, with the flowers at the center drawing the viewer`s eye in and creating a focal point. The balance of light and shadow in the painting adds to the overall sense of realism, as while the sun filters through the leaves, creating pockets of dappled light on the forest floor. Overall, Bali Jungle is a truly enchanting piece of art that captures the beauty and tranquility of a tropical paradise. The viewer can almost hear the rustling of the leaves in the breeze and feel the warmth of the sun on their skin. This painting is a true celebration of the natural world and a testament to the artist`s skill and creativity.

AI Valuation

The price range for an artwork of this size, medium, and artist reputation would typically fall between $1,500 to $3,000. Nerine Strachan`s background in various creative pursuits, including experience in photography, graphic design, and psychotherapy, adds depth and value to her artwork. Her recognition as a talented artist with a unique style of abstract expressionism further elevates the price range for her pieces. The size of the artwork, measuring 91cm x 91cm, also contributes to its value, as larger pieces often command higher prices due to the amount of materials and effort required to create them. Additionally, the use of acrylic as a medium allows for bold and expressive brushstrokes, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the painting. The detailed description of the artwork, `Bali Jungle,` highlights the artist`s skill in capturing the vibrant and lush landscape of Bali. The vivid colors, dynamic composition, and attention to detail in depicting the tropical scenery evoke a sense of wonder and immersion for the viewer. The thematic exploration of the natural world and the artist`s personal journey towards self-discovery add emotional depth and resonance to the artwork. Overall, considering the artist`s reputation, the size of the artwork, the medium used, and the compelling description provided, a price range of $1,500 to $3,000 would be appropriate for an artwork of this caliber. However, prices in the art market can vary based on factors such as demand, market trends, and the specific audience interested in the piece. It is recommended to consult with art galleries, art dealers, or the artist directly to determine a more precise valuation for the artwork.

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Product : Bali Jungle