Size Unframed: 46cm Wide | 35cm High | 4cm Deep

Artist: Brian Carew-Hopkins

Brian Carew-Hopkins

Brian Carew-Hopkins – Watching Blue Burn – Geopolitical tensions between USA and China as the 2020s pandemic swept over the world and race riots erupted in USA


`Watching Blue Burn` by Brian Carew-Hopkins is a striking and thought-provoking abstract painting that delves into the geopolitical games between the USA and China during the tumultuous events of the 2020s. The artwork, created using acrylic on stretched canvas, measures 35cm x 45cm, and is painted in several layers of images recorded on digital video as a revelationist artwork. The painting features a dark background with a series of emoticons, including a winking face, a laughing face, and a crying face. A zigzagging yellow line connects a red and a blue dot, symbolizing the escalating tensions between the two superpowers. The use of bright colors against the dark background creates a playful and whimsical tone, while the simple yet abstract elements add complexity and depth to the piece. As the viewer delves deeper into the painting, they are taken on a journey through the creation process, with each layer adding meaning and complexity to the overall narrative. The artist`s intention is to provoke thought and reflection on the events of 2020, particularly the global pandemic and race riots in the USA, and to explore the consequences of geopolitical tensions on a global scale. Through the use of various colors, textures, and symbolic elements, Carew-Hopkins creates a powerful and haunting visual that prompts viewers to consider the lessons learned from the turbulent events of 2020. The accompanying narration, referencing Napoleon Bonaparte`s quote, adds another layer of complexity to the artwork, encouraging viewers to reflect on the mistakes made during times of crisis. `Watching Blue Burn` is a captivating and poignant artwork that invites viewers to immerse themselves in its depths of meaning and contemplation. It serves as a reminder of the transformative events of 2020 and challenges us to consider the impact of geopolitical games on the world stage.

AI Valuation

Based on the information provided, the price range for `Watching Blue Burn` by Brian Carew-Hopkins would likely fall within the range of $1,500 to $2,500. The artist`s reputation and recognition play a significant role in determining the value of an artwork. Brian Carew-Hopkins is a renowned artist with a diverse range of styles and themes in his repertoire. His unique approach to art, incorporating multimedia elements and revealing hidden narratives, has garnered him significant recognition in the art world. With a track record of successful exhibitions and accolades, Carew-Hopkins` reputation adds value to his artwork. Additionally, the size and artistic medium of the painting also contribute to its pricing. The acrylic on stretched canvas piece, measuring 35cm x 45cm, showcases intricate layers of images recorded on digital video. The revelationist aspect of the artwork, unveiling hidden narratives, adds an element of mystery and intrigue that enhances its value. Furthermore, the uniqueness and relevance of the artwork`s theme also play a role in determining its price. `Watching Blue Burn` delves into the geopolitical games between the USA and China during the tumultuous events of the 2020s, reflecting on global events such as the pandemic and race riots. The artwork`s thought-provoking nature and its ability to prompt reflection on important societal issues contribute to its value. Considering these factors, it can be inferred that `Watching Blue Burn` by Brian Carew-Hopkins would likely be priced in the range of $1,500 to $2,500. This range takes into account the artist`s reputation, the medium and size of the artwork, the complexity of its theme, and its overall artistic value. Art collectors and enthusiasts looking to acquire a unique and meaningful piece of art by a reputable artist like Carew-Hopkins would be willing to invest within this price range.

1 in stock


Mixed multimedia on stretched canvas.


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Product : Brian Carew-Hopkins – Watching Blue Burn – Geopolitical tensions between USA and China as the 2020s pandemic swept over the world and race riots erupted in USA


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