Size Unframed: 76cm Wide | 122cm High | 3cm Deep

Artist: Ronnie Cantoro

Ronnie Cantoro

Elephant Splash


The artwork `Elephant Splash` captures a moment of pure joy and playfulness in the life of an elephant. The powerful creature is shown in its element, immersed in water and creating a splash of energy and movement. The artist`s intention is to convey the sense of freedom and happiness that comes from being able to fully express oneself without limitations. The elephant, with its wrinkled skin and majestic presence, communicates a sense of grace and strength. Despite its size and power, it is depicted in a playful and carefree manner, as if letting go of all worries and embracing the moment with pure joy. The splash of water surrounding the elephant adds a touch of dynamism and excitement to the scene, emphasizing the elephant`s exuberance. The background of lush greenery suggests a natural and unspoiled environment, where the elephant can fully engage with its surroundings and revel in the beauty of nature. The vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes used by the artist evoke a sense of movement and life, capturing the essence of the elephant`s playful spirit. Overall, `Elephant Splash` is a celebration of the beauty and vitality of nature, as well as a reminder of the importance of living in the present moment and embracing joy whenever it presents itself. The artwork invites viewers to connect with their inner sense of playfulness and spontaneity, and to appreciate the simple pleasures that life has to offer.

AI Valuation

Artwork with the artistic medium of 48in x 30in Acrylic by Ronniecabstract would likely be priced in the range of $800-$1,500. Ronniecabstract is an artist who has achieved recognition through his unique artistic style and accomplishments, including creating murals in various locations. With a background in commercial arts and experience working for prominent figures in the industry, Ronniecabstract`s reputation adds value to his artwork. This, combined with the size of the painting and the use of acrylic medium, increases the estimated price of the artwork. The artwork `Elephant Splash` depicts a moment of joy and playfulness in the life of an elephant, captured with vibrant colors and dynamic compositions. The artist`s intention to convey a sense of freedom and happiness adds emotional depth to the painting. The artwork`s description highlights the intricate details and emotions portrayed in the piece, adding to its value. Overall, based on the artist`s reputation, the size of the artwork, the quality of the acrylic medium used, and the emotional depth of the artwork description, a price range of $800-$1,500 would be reasonable for an artwork of this nature by Ronniecabstract.

AI Valuation

Artwork with the artistic medium of 48in x 30in Acrylic by Ronniecabstract would likely be priced in the range of $800-$1,500. Ronniecabstract is an artist who has achieved recognition through her unique artistic style and accomplishments, including creating murals in various locations. With a background in commercial arts and experience working for prominent figures in the industry, Ronniecabstract`s reputation adds value to his artwork. This, combined with the size of the painting and the use of acrylic medium, increases the estimated price of the artwork. The artwork `Elephant Splash` depicts a moment of joy and playfulness in the life of an elephant, captured with vibrant colors and dynamic compositions. The artist`s intention to convey a sense of freedom and happiness adds emotional depth to the painting. The artwork`s description highlights the intricate details and emotions portrayed in the piece, adding to its value. Overall, based on the artist`s reputation, the size of the artwork, the quality of the acrylic medium used, and the emotional depth of the artwork description, a price range of $800-$1,500 would be reasonable for an artwork of this nature by Ronniecabstract.

AI Valuation

Artwork with the artistic medium of 48in x 30in Acrylic by Ronniecabstract would likely be priced in the range of $800-$1,500. Ronniecabstract is an artist who has achieved recognition through her unique artistic style and accomplishments, including creating murals in various locations. With a background in commercial arts and experience working for prominent figures in the industry, Ronniecabstract`s reputation adds value to her artwork. This, combined with the size of the painting and the use of acrylic medium, increases the estimated price of the artwork. The artwork `Elephant Splash` depicts a moment of joy and playfulness in the life of an elephant, captured with vibrant colors and dynamic compositions. The artist`s intention to convey a sense of freedom and happiness adds emotional depth to the painting. The artwork`s description highlights the intricate details and emotions portrayed in the piece, adding to its value. Overall, based on the artist`s reputation, the size of the artwork, the quality of the acrylic medium used, and the emotional depth of the artwork description, a price range of $800-$1,500 would be reasonable for an artwork of this nature by Ronniecabstract.

AI Valuation

Artwork with the artistic medium of 48in x 30in Acrylic by Ronniecabstract would likely be priced in the range of $800-$1,500. Ronniecabstract is an artist who has achieved recognition through her unique artistic style and accomplishments, including creating murals in various locations. With a background in commercial arts and experience working for prominent figures in the industry, Ronniecabstract`s reputation adds value to her artwork. This, combined with the size of the painting and the use of acrylic medium, increases the estimated price of the artwork. The artwork `Elephant Splash` depicts a moment of joy and playfulness in the life of an elephant, captured with vibrant colors and dynamic compositions. The artist`s intention to convey a sense of freedom and happiness adds emotional depth to the painting. The artwork`s description highlights the intricate details and emotions portrayed in the piece, adding to its value. Overall, based on the artist`s reputation, the size of the artwork, the quality of the acrylic medium used, and the emotional depth of the artwork description, a price range of $800-$1,500 would be reasonable for an artwork of this nature by Ronniecabstract.

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Product : Elephant Splash