Size Unframed: 46cm Wide | 61cm High | 3cm Deep

Artist: Mariana


Embroidered Face

$750.00 USD

In the artwork titled `Awakened,` the artist captures a moment of realization and inner transformation. The woman in the portrait appears contemplative, with a slight smile on her lips and a glimmer of curiosity in her eye. The use of embroidery adds a tactile and textural quality to the piece, creating a sense of depth and intimacy. The minimalist approach to the facial features gives the woman a universal quality – she could be anyone, reflecting the viewer`s own journey of awakening and self-discovery. The single line technique emphasizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of her being, from her physical features to her inner thoughts and emotions. The earring, hanging delicately from her ear, adds a touch of femininity and elegance to the portrait. It serves as a reminder of the beauty and strength that can emerge from moments of awakening and self-realization. The choice of black thread on a white background creates a striking contrast, emphasizing the importance of clarity and purity in the process of awakening. The use of blue and red accents adds a touch of color and emotion to the piece, inviting the viewer to contemplate the deeper meanings behind the woman`s expression. Overall, `Awakened` is a powerful and thought-provoking artwork that invites the viewer to reflect on their own journey towards truth and enlightenment. Through the simplicity and beauty of the embroidered face, the artist captures the essence of awakening as a transformative and deeply personal experience.

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