Size Unframed: 100cm Wide | 100cm High | 4cm Deep

Artist: Dalalism_art


Hidden Universe 1


Hidden Universe 1 is a captivating piece of art that delves into the hidden mysteries of the universe. The artist`s intention was to explore the idea that there is more to the world than what meets the eye. By using butterfly wings as inspiration, the artist has created a visually stunning piece that invites viewers to peer beyond the surface and discover the hidden beauty of the universe. The colors used in the painting are incredibly vibrant and lively, evoking a sense of energy and movement. The thick brushstrokes add depth and texture to the piece, creating an immersive and engaging visual experience. The overall effect is one of harmony and balance, as the colors blend seamlessly together to create a mesmerizing display. As viewers gaze at the painting, they are drawn into a world of mystery and intrigue. The intricate details and patterns on the canvas hint at a hidden universe waiting to be discovered. The painting serves as a reminder that there is always more to explore and uncover, if we are willing to look beyond the surface. Hidden Universe 1 is a reflection of the artist`s belief that there is beauty in the unknown. It encourages viewers to embrace the sense of wonder and curiosity that comes with exploring the mysteries of the universe. The painting is a reminder that sometimes, the most fascinating aspects of life are hidden just beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered.

AI Valuation

The price range for an artwork of this nature and size, created by an artist with a reputation and recognition for their work inspired by nature, science, and spirituality, would typically fall within the range of $2,000 to $5,000. The intricate details and vibrant colors of the acrylic on canvas piece, Hidden Universe 1, along with the artist`s philosophical approach to art and exploration of the mysteries of the universe, add significant value to the artwork. The size of the piece (100cm x 100cm) also contributes to its price range, as larger pieces generally command higher prices. Furthermore, the unique inspiration behind the artwork, drawing from the beauty and complexity of the natural world, as well as the artist`s personal journey and growth reflected in the piece, adds to its artistic value and desirability. The artist`s aim to evoke mindfulness and awareness in the viewer, as well as their intention to inspire reflection and appreciation for the unseen world, also contribute to the overall worth of the artwork. Overall, considering the size, medium, artistic inspiration, and the artist`s reputation and recognition, a price range of $2,000 to $5,000 would be a fair estimate for Hidden Universe 1. This price range takes into account the artistic merit of the piece, the artist`s unique style and philosophy, as well as the potential demand for the artwork among collectors and art enthusiasts.

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