Size Framed: 53cm Wide | 74cm High | 6cm Deep

Artist: Colin sinsbury

Colin sinsbury

Rainbow Lorikeet


The Rainbow Lorikeet is truly a sight to behold with its striking colors and intricate plumage. As I observed this beautiful bird in its natural habitat, I couldn`t help but be captivated by its grace and elegance. The way it perched on the branch, its head turned towards me as if it was posing for the camera, was truly a magical moment. I wanted to capture not just the physical beauty of the Lorikeet, but also the sense of wonder and awe that it inspires. Its vibrant colors seemed to radiate with life, and the way the light caught on its iridescent feathers created a mesmerizing shimmering effect. I felt a deep connection to this creature, as if I was being welcomed into its world for just a brief moment. The blurred background serves to emphasize the bird as the focal point of the image, highlighting its intricate details and inviting the viewer to truly appreciate its beauty. The soft greens and browns in the background provide a natural setting for the Lorikeet, making it feel right at home in its surroundings. Overall, my intention with this artwork was to not only showcase the physical beauty of the Rainbow Lorikeet but also to evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world. I wanted to capture the magic of that moment when nature and beauty intertwine, creating a sense of harmony and peace. I hope that viewers of this artwork will feel the same sense of awe and connection that I experienced when I encountered this magnificent bird in the park.

AI Valuation

Artwork Price Range: Based on the detailed description provided, the artwork by Colin Sinsbury featuring a Rainbow Lorikeet on a branch in its natural habitat, measuring 594cm x 420cm and printed on Ilford smooth pearl paper, can be priced in the range of $500 to $1,000. Colin Sinsbury, though an amateur photographer, has developed a strong passion for capturing the beauty of nature and wildlife through his stunning landscape and animal photographs. His artistic journey began in a small town where he developed a deep appreciation for the outdoors, which is reflected in his work. Sinsbury`s images showcase vibrant colors, dramatic lighting, and a strong sense of composition, capturing the essence of the natural and man-made landscapes he explores. The Rainbow Lorikeet artwork described exudes a sense of wonder and awe, with the bird`s striking colors and intricate plumage captivating the viewer. The artist`s intention to not only showcase the physical beauty of the bird but also evoke a deeper connection to nature through the image is evident in the detailed description provided. The new condition and authenticity of the artwork add to its value and appeal to potential buyers. Considering the size of the artwork and the artist`s reputation as a talented photographer with a keen eye for detail and creativity, a price range of $500 to $1,000 would be appropriate. This range takes into account the quality of the print, the subject matter, and the emotional impact the artwork is likely to have on viewers. Overall, the Rainbow Lorikeet artwork by Colin Sinsbury offers a glimpse into the beauty and wonder of the natural world, inviting viewers to appreciate and connect with the magic of the moment captured in the photograph. The price range reflects the value of the artwork as a unique and captivating piece that would make a stunning addition to any art collection.

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Product : Rainbow Lorikeet