Size Unframed: 53cm Wide | 33cm High | 5cm Deep

Artist: Benjamin Ferguson

Benjamin Ferguson

Sound Track

$600.00 USD

`Sound Track` is a vibrant and dynamic Abstract Expressionist landscape that challenges traditional notions of order and structure. The painting`s bold use of color, expressive brushstrokes, and abstract forms combine to create a sense of energy and movement that is both captivating and disorienting. The contrasting colors in deep blues, purples, oranges, reds, yellows, and greens pop against each other, creating a visual cacophony that draws the viewer in. The brushstrokes vary in thickness and direction, some appearing gestural and spontaneous while others are more controlled and deliberate. These brushstrokes create texture, adding depth and complexity to the piece. Shapes and forms in the composition resemble landscape elements but are not realistically depicted, adding to the sense of disorientation and ambiguity. The interlocking and overlapping shapes create a sense of movement and dynamism that feels organic and alive. The lack of defined outlines further adds to the fluidity of the composition. The composition itself is non-representational, allowing for interpretation and introspection. The layered and interwoven elements create a sense of depth and complexity that invites the viewer to explore the painting`s depths and meaning. The overall effect is one of spontaneity and freedom of expression, challenging the viewer to question the boundaries between landscapes and figures, order and chaos. `Sound Track` is a visual symphony of color, form, and movement that invites the viewer to experience the beauty and complexity of Abstract Expressionism in a new and exciting way.

AI Valuation

Artwork price range: $800 – $1200 Benjamin Ferguson`s credentials as an artist with a BFA from the University of Georgia and residing in Brooklyn, NY, lend credibility to his work and may influence the pricing of his pieces. Given the size of the artwork (13cm x 21cm) and the medium (acrylic on canvas), the price range for `Sound Track` falls in the range of $800 to $1200. The condition of the artwork being described as `straight out of the studio` and in pristine condition adds value to the piece, as collectors often seek artwork in excellent condition for their collections. This, along with the authenticity of the piece, further solidifies the credibility and attractiveness of `Sound Track` to potential buyers. The description of the artwork itself is detailed and provides insight into the style, technique, and emotional impact of the piece. The vibrant and dynamic nature of the Abstract Expressionist landscape, as well as the artist`s use of bold colors, expressive brushstrokes, and abstract forms, all contribute to the complexity and beauty of the piece. The painting`s sense of energy, movement, and disorientation challenges traditional notions of order and structure, making it an intriguing addition to any art collection. The use of contrasting colors, varied brushstrokes, and non-representational composition all contribute to the depth and complexity of `Sound Track,` adding layers of meaning and interpretation for the viewer. The artist`s ability to create a visual symphony of color, form, and movement in a spontaneous and expressive manner further enhances the value of the artwork. Overall, considering the artist`s reputation, the condition and authenticity of the artwork, as well as the detailed description provided, the price range of $800 to $1200 for `Sound Track` falls within a reasonable range for a piece of this size, medium, and artistic merit. Collectors and art enthusiasts who appreciate Abstract Expressionism and vibrant, dynamic artworks may find this piece to be a valuable addition to their collection.

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