Size Unframed: 76cm Wide | 76cm High | 4cm Deep

Artist: Christine Davis Art

Christine Davis Art

Under Glenelg Jetty


`Under Glenelg Jetty` is a mesmerizing oil painting on canvas that measures 76cm x 76cm. The artist`s intention with this piece was to capture the unique sensory experience of being under a jetty, specifically the Glenelg jetty in Adelaide, South Australia. The artist wanted to convey the feeling of being enveloped by the wooden structure of the jetty, with the scent of the wood mixing with the salty sea air. The gentle sound of the water lapping against the poles can almost be heard through the painting, creating a sense of calm and serenity. The colors in the painting are soft and soothing, with shades of blues, greens, and browns creating a tranquil atmosphere. The artist`s brush strokes are fluid and expressive, capturing the movement of the water and the dynamic angles of the jetty`s structure. This painting is part of a series that the artist is working on, exploring different jetties along the South Australian coastline. Each piece in the series aims to showcase the beauty and unique character of these structures, as well as evoke the sensory experience of being under them. `Under Glenelg Jetty` invites viewers to immerse themselves in the peaceful and reflective atmosphere of a jetty, allowing them to connect with the natural beauty of the sea and the craftsmanship of these iconic structures.

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Product : Under Glenelg Jetty