
Artist FAQs

All the information you need as an artist is listed below

How do I sign up and get started?

It’s easy to get started! Simply visit this page and join our community of artists showcasing their work across various venues.

What are the benefits of using this platform for artists?

Our artists driven platform offers a plethora of benefits:

  • Preserve Authenticity: Glue your artwork with digital data to maintain authenticity.
  • Creative Integration: Combine your art with videos, music, and animations.
  • Remote Tracking: Monitor sales and interest from anywhere.
  • Cashless Transactions: Handle sales seamlessly and securely.
  • AI Assistance: Enhance your professional profile and art descriptions.
  • Provenance Recording: Keep track of sales history and ensure resale royalty reports
  • Artist-Venue Matchmaker: Connect with local venues to display and sell your artwork, maximizing exposure and sales potential.

Where are the hanging venues based?

The venues listed in your Master Dashboard are ranked by distance from your registered address, with the nearest appearing at the top of your list. Ensuring that your artwork gets the local exposure it deserves.

Can I integrate my existing venue partnerships with the platform?

Yes, you can! Simply add our smart QR code to your artwork and update its location on the platform. It’s that easy!

What if there are no venues near me listed in my Master Dashboard?

Don’t worry! Our network is constantly expanding. If there are no venues near your location, please contact our friendly customer support team through the chat box in the bottom right corner of the site or email us at [email protected]. We’re here to help!

Are artists getting paid by hanging their artwork?

Yes! When an artwork sells, the artist gets paid directly. Just by having the artwork hung, the artist receives valuable public exposure. Neither artists nor venues have to pay for the display. This is a win-win situation: the venue provides their wall space for free, and the artists get to display their work for free.

What resolution size/format is needed for art images uploaded onto the platform?

The maximum image size that can be uploaded is 20MB, with no specific height and width requirements. To optimize the use of our VooGlue app’s digital fingerprint technology, ensure the frame is excluded from the image and focus on the middle of the artwork. This helps maintain the authenticity value protection of your artwork.

How are the uploaded images protected from unauthorized copying?

We take your image security seriously. Here’s how we protect your art:

We employ all the recommended technical mitigations, such as watermarking, lower resolution uploads, and disabling right-click. Finally, our platform displays images at low resolution, further deterring any form of reproduction by using uploaded image.

How do I track the sales and interest in my artwork?

You will receive a regular performance report detailing how many people have scanned the QR code of your artworks. You will also be notified of any sales via messaging, keeping you in the loop at all times.

Can I remove my artwork from a venue at any time?

Yes, you have complete control. We encourage you to keep your display at least for 3 months before refreshing the art displayed to boost your exposure and enhance the venue’s attraction.

Are there any commissions on sales?

No, venues do not charge any commission on artwork sales because they receive the artwork for display at no cost. This setup benefits both artists and venues. If artists and venues wish to arrange something separately, we can facilitate communication between both parties on a case-by-case basis.

How does the platform handle art provenance recording?

We ensure your artwork’s story and didactics are well-preserved. Sales provenance is recorded every time your art is bought and resold, ensuring it is never lost from our platform.

What types of venues can I expect to display my artwork in?

You can display your artwork in various venues such as restaurants, cafes, yoga studios, and GP waiting rooms—any venue with good public traffic that appreciates and values art.

How much does it cost for artists to use the platform?

“Our monthly subscription fee is accessible through our platform. For less than the price of a paintbrush, you gain access to our cutting-edge art technology and a suite of services designed to elevate your artistic career.”

I already worked up a negotiation with my local venues. How does this platform help me?

Our platform enhances your existing partnerships by providing tools for cashless transactions, detailed performance reports, and provenance recording. This helps you manage and track your artwork’s success more effectively, all while expanding your reach.

What if my venue needs help/tools for hanging artwork from me?

The venue and the artist will coordinate to arrange the hanging of the artwork, typically at a time that is convenient for the venue. Alternatively, you can arrange for professional hanging services. If you need assistance, please email us, and we will facilitate communication with the venue.

Venue FAQs

All the information you need as an venue owner/manager is listed below

How do I sign up and get started?

You can sign up and start the process here.

Where are the artists based?

The artwork list is accessible through your Master Dashboard the artworks’ location are ranked by distance from your registered address, with the nearest appearing at the top of your list. Ensuring that you got artwork from local artists.

How much does it cost for venues?

We don’t charge venues for art hanging or artist matchmaking services.

What happens if a painting is bought from our venue?

When a customer buys a painting, they receive an SMS with instructions to wait for the artist to contact them to arrange collection. Customers should not take the artwork off the wall immediately. The artist will meet the customer at the venue to hand over the painting. If immediate arrangements cannot be made, the artwork remains on display until it can be collected. The artist will usually bring a replacement painting to ensure there is no blank space on your wall or you can choose different painting to hang.

What are the benefits of using this platform for venues?

Our platform connects you with local artists, allowing you to choose artwork that matches your brand. You can refresh the art as needed, selecting as many pieces as you have wall space for, and even display works from different artists simultaneously.

How do I choose which artwork to display?

Once you sign up, click the red “Master Dashboard” button on the top right of the page. At the central of Master Dashboard you’ll find “Artists Near Me” button. This button will take you to the “Artists Near Me” page, where you can browse artworks. The artworks’ location are ranked by distance from your registered address, with the nearest appearing at the top of your list. To choose an artwork, click or tap the picture of the piece you like, and a green checkmark will appear over the image. If you want to cancel your choice, simply click or tap the image again until the green checkmark disappears. After selecting all the artworks you like, click the “Organize Hanging” button at the bottom of the screen to finalize your selections.

Can I set preferences for the type of art displayed?

Yes, there is a filter button at the top of the artwork choices page. You can filter by size, tags, and other criteria to find the perfect pieces for your venue.

What is the process if I want to return or exchange an artwork?

Coordinate directly with the artist to arrange an exchange. If you wish to display a different artist’s work, notify the current artist to arrange the removal of their artwork. Once the piece is removed, you can select another artwork for your wall. If you encounter any issues, please email us for assistance.

How frequently can I change the artwork in my venue?

We recommend refreshing the artworks every 3-6 months to keep your venue’s decor dynamic and engaging.

What if my venue needs help or tools for hanging artwork from the artists?

The artist will usually be able to hang the artwork. Alternatively, you can arrange for professional hanging services. If you need assistance, please email us, and we will facilitate communication with the artists.

Are there any additional features or tools for managing the art displays?

You will receive email notifications about new artists in your area who register on our platform, so you don’t have to constantly check your account. If a patron is interested in buying an artwork, direct them to scan our smart QR code to purchase directly from the artist. Your business won’t need to handle any transactions related to the artwork.

General Questions

All general information you need is listed below

How do I contact customer support?

You can reach customer support through the chat box in the bottom right corner of the site during office hours (8 am to 5 pm AWST) or by emailing [email protected].

Are there any promotional tools available for artists or venues?

Yes, you can scan the smart QR code from the painting to visit the artwork page. From there, you can share the artwork on Facebook and tag the artist’s account to promote the artwork displayed in your venue. This helps spread the word and attract more visitors.