Unlock the Value of Your Art Collection
If you have received a proof-of-ownership code by email, please register below and then enter your code to keep the ownership chain of a fine art piece integrated and maximise the value of your artwork.
If you have not received a token fear not, read on to secure the value of your collection be it one piece or many.
The Problem:
What is the value of your collection? Without a reliable solution for establishing and updating value, this can be daunting.
The Solution:
Our innovative approach retains a meticulous record of each artwork’s provenance and history, safeguarding its value and authenticity. We use AI extensively to research and update art value regularly, keeping you on top of the value of your collection.
Our Features:
- Easy value checking: Easily check the value of your collection with AI-assisted services just by uploading the image and adding afew details —get it all with a single click.
- Provenance Protection: Rest assured knowing your artwork’s provenance is securely bound to each physical piece, eliminating the risk of loss or misattribution.
- Fine Art Securitisation: Take control of your art’s digital footprint by checking for unauthorised NFT’s, issuing authorized f-NFTs where possible, and ensuring only authenticated versions are available for purchase.
And when you wish to sell
- Single-Click Art Listing: Easily publish your collection with professional gallery-style descriptions, AI-assisted valuations, and recommended pricing—all with a single click.
Ready to discover what lovely surprises you may have in store? Experience the ease and convenience of VooGlue’s cutting-edge platform. Unlock new possibilities for your collection and embark on a journey of art prosperity.
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