Size Framed: 54cm Wide | 54cm High | 5cm Deep

Artist: Brian Carew-Hopkins

Brian Carew-Hopkins

Fifteen – A sheer rocky cliff face with a boy sitting on a ledge


`Fifteen` is a captivating oil painting that captures the essence of a boy on the brink of adulthood, sitting on a rocky ledge in a canyon. The sheer cliff face in the background acts as a metaphor for the boy`s own inner emotions and struggles as he navigates the challenges of growing up. The vibrant colors and thick brushstrokes convey a sense of energy and movement, reflecting the whirlwind of emotions and experiences that come with adolescence. The warm hues of oranges and yellows evoke a sense of warmth and nostalgia, perhaps symbolizing the memories and moments that shape us during our formative years. The figure on the ledge is not immediately obvious, but upon closer inspection, he becomes the focal point of the painting. His posture exudes a sense of contemplation and introspection, as he gazes out into the distance. The ambiguity of the boy`s expression allows the viewer to interpret his thoughts and emotions, making him a relatable and universal figure. The artist`s intention behind `Fifteen` is to capture the complexity and mystery of adolescence, a time when we are on the cusp of adulthood but still grappling with the challenges of self-discovery and identity. The boy`s presence on the rocky ledge symbolizes the precarious nature of this stage in life, where every decision and experience can feel like a leap into the unknown. Overall, `Fifteen` is a poignant and thought-provoking artwork that invites viewers to reflect on their own experiences of youth and coming of age. It serves as a reminder of the beauty and difficulty of growing up, and the resilience and strength that we find within ourselves during this transformative period.

AI Valuation

Based on the description provided, the price range for `Fifteen` by Brian Carew-Hopkins would likely fall in the range of $3,000 to $5,000. Carew-Hopkins`s reputation as a renowned artist who has achieved significant recognition for his work, as well as the unique and captivating nature of the artwork itself, would contribute to a higher price point within the art market. Additionally, the size of the artwork (50cm x 50cm) and the fact that it is an original piece being sold for the first time by the artist would also be factors in determining the price range. The artist`s diverse range of styles and themes, as well as his innovative and creative approach to art, would also influence the value of the artwork. Carew-Hopkins`s ability to convey deep and thought-provoking narratives through his artwork, as well as his dedication to breaking new ground and exploring the unconveyable, would add a layer of depth and meaning to `Fifteen` that would appeal to collectors and art enthusiasts. Overall, the combination of the artist`s reputation and recognition, the artwork`s condition and authenticity, and the artwork`s description and significance would contribute to a price range of $3,000 to $5,000 for `Fifteen` by Brian Carew-Hopkins. Art collectors and enthusiasts looking for a meaningful and impactful piece of artwork that reflects the complexity and beauty of adolescence would likely find this painting to be a valuable addition to their collection.

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Product : Fifteen – A sheer rocky cliff face with a boy sitting on a ledge


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